Exploring contract management and its benefits for parking 

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Contract Management

By Daniela Beninati

One of the parking industry’s main challenges is managing, controlling, and analyzing user contracts and services effectively. The contract management service was designed to meet these needs in a user-friendly workspace where the information can be reviewed straightforwardly and clearly. 

Today I will explain how this service addresses those needs and the benefits of using this module that belongs to the In-parking Information Management System (IMS).

This module was created thinking mainly of how contract management could be more effective and more straightforward. By focusing on three specific points: 

The update and contract control let the user carry out processes such as the contract or service cancellation or reactivation within a contract, putting a pending payment service on hold, and merging several contracts into one without the need to lose the history of transactions within each contract.

Also, in this module, the user will be able to analyze and manage a client’s payment history and their contracts. It allows them to program automatic payments, generate massive payment accounts for all active clients and control the history of payments and services by the invoice for each client and contract.

Thanks to the two previous points, this module allows the user to have a detailed and practical analysis of their contracts, users, services, and earnings, among others. This is a great benefit to speed up the reporting process, be able to carry out a clear and realistic analysis of the business, and even identify data that can help in the marketing process. For instance, what type of client, service, or payment method is the most used, the most active business dates, and the number of contracts by date, year, customer, or service, among other data.

To summarize, in this development, users will find a complement that can facilitate their internal processes, creating accurate analysis, management, and billing spaces that adjust not only to the daily needs of a company but also to the client. The latter allows the perception of the business’s efficiency and effectiveness to increase with just a few clicks.

I hope you’ve better understood what this service can do for your parking business. If you require additional information or want to implement the contract management service, please contact us, and we’ll be pleased to help you.

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